Sumiyoshi Monogatari

Sumiyoshi Monogatari (住吉物語?) is a late 10th century Japanese story. Along with Ochikubo Monogatari, it is representative of Japanese Cinderella-type literature dealing with stepmother bullying and harassment. It belongs to the tsukuri monogatari genre.[1]



The author is unknown.[2] Sone no Yoshitada (曽禰好忠) is suggested as a possible candidate.[1] Originally written late in the 10th century, the original text is now lost. It only survives now in a c. 12th century revised edition.[1][2]

The story was quite influential on Japanese literature. It is referenced in works such as Makura no Sōshi and Genji Monogatari. The Tamakatsura chapter of Genji was written with Sumiyoshi Monogatari in mind.[1] Its popularity is evident in that it inspired more than 120 existing manuscripts.[1] In addition, many later stories, generally of the Otogizōshi genre, dealing with similar motifs are referred to as Sumiyoshi-style.


The story exists in single and two volume editions.[2] It tells the story of a Middle Chancellor's daughter who runs away from home to escape the bullying from her stepmother. She falls in love with a Minor Captain and gets engaged. However, her stepmother forces him to marry her real daughter. The stepmother also obstructs her from serving in the palace or marrying a Left Watch Guard. When the daughter discovers the truth, the runs away from home to Sumiyoshi Shrine. The Minor Captain is lead to the shrine through a mystical dream. They marry and live happily ever after.[3]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e Nihon Koten Bungaku Daijiten Henshū Iinkai (1986:1048-1049)
  2. ^ a b c Kubota (2007:198-199)
  3. ^ Fujii (1989)


External links